Do You Want to Study the Scriptures?

ATTENTION:  All PowerPoints have been added by Parsha.  Look in the right hand sidebar for the Link!!

This is an in-depth Torah study designed to build on the foundations set in HaYesod.  We will plumb the depths as far as we can go and encourage questions knowing the answers may not come easily or readily.  We will begin with Genesis and we will keep going as people are interested in pursuing this challenge.  It will be intense but enjoyable, challenging but easy as there is no burden in pursuing God.  There will always be an effort to return to the days, times and culture in which every word was written, we refer to that as the Hebrew roots of the Scripture.  We recognize that people will be in different places in their journey and so we will attempt to accommodate accordingly.  Here we hope that people find blessings for learning the words of this Torah while focusing on loving our God who belongs to both the Jews and the Gentiles.


BRING:  Paper, Bible, pens, pencils, highlighter,       3-ring notebook


To signup:  Call (814) 671-0735 or email by Oct  30.  There is no charge just a periodic free-will offering to cover facility donation if you are able.